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మూస:Infobox element/crystal structure/doc

వికీపీడియా నుండి

In {{Infobox element}}, internally. The value from |crystal structure= is fed into this template, and returned is either a wikilink or an image name.

|crystal structure=diamond cubic (as entered in an element infobox).
Then, in {Infobox element}:
{{Infobox element/crystal structure|{{{crystal structure|}}}}}face-centered diamond-cubic
{{Infobox element/crystal structure|{{{crystal structure|}}}|return=image}}
Diamond cubic crystal structure.svg
Then used in [[image:...]]

Parameter |crystal structure 2= is used alike.

Any nowrap or NBSP is within this template (not in {Infobox element}).

Unknown input


Only use existing crystal structure names and inages. When it does not exist, do not add the parameter |crystal structure=. (use |crystal structure prefix= and |crystal structure comment= in the element's infobox).

Infoboxes with unrecognised input are listed in Category:Element infobox templates that need attention under Δ.